Walking with Jesus, Introduction Part Two

This daily devotional is designed for you to read five days a week for an entire year. It purposely leaves out two days for you to do something different such as review the entire week, memorize key scriptures, have an extended time of prayer, participate in a small group or attend a live worship service. Please don’t rush through each devotional. Let God’s Word sink deep within your heart. Allow God’s Word to work in you and change you from the inside out. Prayerfully reflect on the progression as we unfold the book of John section-by-section, and include other important scriptures for you to meditate on. Each devotional is followed by a three-fold plan for personal reflection:

Reading the scriptures is very important. Reading parallel passages is very helpful to further understand the section being studied. I encourage you to read each parallel scripture out loud at least twice. Think through the relationship between the daily devotional being read and the parallel scriptures provided. Ask yourself, “How does one compliment the other?”

This section helps you analyze the Scripture from multiple angles with a sharp focus on personal application. It is designed to help you discover more about the text through the use of questions and observations. You will learn more about God’s characteristics, and the unique ways that He works through His Son, Jesus. Finally, personal application is highlighted to help you start applying these truths in your life right away.

As we grow in our personal time with the Savior, we have to be willing and ready to respond to His inner promptings. This involves asking the Lord, “What do I need to change, and how do I begin making these changes?” In other words, our response requires a plan of action. Every change takes a step of action. The question we have to ask is, “What is my next step in obeying God’s Word?” This is often where spiritual breakthrough takes place—through our obedience to the Living Word of God—as the Spirit of God uses the Word of God to transform our heart for God.

My prayer is that you would experience more of God’s presence and power working in and through your life as you seek Him more each and every day. May you serve Him more as He reveals His love and His good work in your life day-by-day, and moment-by-moment.

Marcel Sanchez

The source of this content comes from our book, Walking with Jesus.

Walking with Jesus, Introduction Part One

It is by far one of the biggest challenges faced by believers worldwide. It does not matter whether you are married or single, young or old, educated or uneducated, rich or poor. This struggle does not make any distinctions. It is common to all believers. “What is this great challenge?” you might ask. This struggle, we all face is to start and develop a daily personal time with the Savior, to grow in our love for God, our knowledge of His Word, and to receive spiritual nourishment. It is the struggle to set aside time every day to be alone with the Savior. Spiritual replenishment is not automatic and it is never easy. You have to work at it moment-by-moment.

Andando con Jesús, Introducción Parte Uno

Es uno de los mayores desafíos que enfrentan los creyentes en todo el mundo. No importa si usted es soltero o casado, joven o viejo, educado o ignorante, rico o pobre. Esta lucha no hace distinciones. Es común a todos los creyentes. Usted puede preguntar, “¿Cuál es este gran desafío?” Es la lucha para iniciar y desarrollar un tiempo personal diario con el Salvador para crecer en su amor a Dios, su conocimiento de su Palabra y recibir alimento espiritual. Es la lucha de separar tiempo todos los días para estar a solas con el Salvador. El reabastecimiento espiritual no es automático. Usted tiene que trabajar para ello intencionalmente.

¿Cómo llego a ser un cristiano?

¿Es usted un cristiano? ¿Cómo lo sabe? Hay muchas ideas equivocadas con respecto a cómo una persona se convierte en un cristiano. Con más información disponible y accesible en el mundo que nunca antes en la historia, no es extraño el por qué alguien se puede confundir o engañar por lo que ha leído o ha sido enseñado por otros.  

How Do I Become A Christian?

Are you a Christian? How do you know? There are many misconceptions about how a person becomes a Christian. With more information available and accessible in our world than ever before in history, it is no wonder why someone can be confused or even misguided by what they have read or have been taught by others.

Encouraging and Training Leaders in the Cloud

It has been said that “A picture is worth 1,000 words.”  This infographic helps summarize the subjects we plan to cover in our new Blog over this year and beyond.  I hope you enjoy it.

www.MarcelSanchez.com Infographic

www.MarcelSanchez.com Infographic

Welcome to my new Blog!

We are currently uploading new content as we begin phase one of designing our Blog.  We plan to make it easy for you to follow and very practical to use.  Here are some of the categories we plan to address either directly or indirectly to better serve you and your team.

We are planning to help leaders grow spiritually, relationally, personally and professionally through the content provided at www.MarcelSanchez.com

We are planning to help leaders grow spiritually, relationally, personally and professionally through our content. www.MarcelSanchez.com